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Dairy Revenue Protection Program


The Laurie Fischer Group is committed to providing clients with top-rate services.  The Dairy Revenue Program (DRP) is an additional tool used to assist our dairy producer clients by ensuring a true risk management program which provides less variability and more predictability.  DRP provides dairy operations with more cash at the right time while building stronger relationships with bankers, vendors and other allied businesses.


Why Dairy RP?


- DRP can be based on Class III and/or IV and Components
- Can cover up to 95% of prices on CME
- Government subsidizes 44% to 59% of the cost.
- Protection factor (1.0 to 1.5)

Sign-up is Easy!


The Laurie Fischer Group makes signing up for DRP easy. We will provide customizable quotes based your operation’s actual milk production and will provide as many quotes as necessary to confidently lock in the best opportunities for your dairy operation.  The Laurie Fischer Group can lock in your endorsement any time of year, as long as there is a DRP insurance offering. 

*Sales period begins when RMA publishes prices/rates by 4:00 pm CST and end the following morning at 9:00 CST.

Please send us a message if you would like to discuss more how the Dairy Revenue Protection Program can help you.

Helpful Resources:

USDA: Dairy RP Overview

Dairy RP Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)

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